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- package HTML::Entities;
- =head1 NAME
- HTML::Entities - Encode or decode strings with HTML entities
- =head1 SYNOPSIS
- use HTML::Entities;
- $a = "Våre norske tegn bør æres";
- decode_entities($a);
- encode_entities($a, "\200-\377");
- For example, this:
- $input = "vis-α-vis BeyoncΘ's na∩ve\npapier-mΓchΘ rΘsumΘ";
- print encode_entities($input), "\n"
- Prints this out:
- vis-à-vis Beyoncé's naïve
- papier-mâché résumé
- This module deals with encoding and decoding of strings with HTML
- character entities. The module provides the following functions:
- =over 4
- =item decode_entities( $string, ... )
- This routine replaces HTML entities found in the $string with the
- corresponding Unicode character. Under perl 5.6 and earlier only
- characters in the Latin-1 range are replaced. Unrecognized
- entities are left alone.
- If multiple strings are provided as argument they are each decoded
- separately and the same number of strings are returned.
- If called in void context the arguments are decoded in-place.
- This routine is exported by default.
- =item _decode_entities( $string, \%entity2char )
- =item _decode_entities( $string, \%entity2char, $expand_prefix )
- This will in-place replace HTML entities in $string. The %entity2char
- hash must be provided. Named entities not found in the %entity2char
- hash are left alone. Numeric entities are expanded unless their value
- overflow.
- The keys in %entity2char are the entity names to be expanded and their
- values are what they should expand into. The values do not have to be
- single character strings. If a key has ";" as suffix,
- then occurrences in $string are only expanded if properly terminated
- with ";". Entities without ";" will be expanded regardless of how
- they are terminated for compatibility with how common browsers treat
- entities in the Latin-1 range.
- If $expand_prefix is TRUE then entities without trailing ";" in
- %entity2char will even be expanded as a prefix of a longer
- unrecognized name. The longest matching name in %entity2char will be
- used. This is mainly present for compatibility with an MSIE
- misfeature.
- $string = "foo bar";
- _decode_entities($string, { nb => "@", nbsp => "\xA0" }, 1);
- print $string; # will print "fooábar"
- This routine is exported by default.
- =item encode_entities( $string )
- =item encode_entities( $string, $unsafe_chars )
- This routine replaces unsafe characters in $string with their entity
- representation. A second argument can be given to specify which
- characters to consider unsafe (i.e., which to escape). The default set
- of characters to encode are control chars, high-bit chars, and the
- C<< < >>, C<< & >>, C<< > >>, C<< ' >> and C<< " >>
- characters. But this, for example, would encode I<just> the
- C<< < >>, C<< & >>, C<< > >>, and C<< " >> characters:
- $encoded = encode_entities($input, '<>&"');
- This routine is exported by default.
- =item encode_entities_numeric( $string )
- =item encode_entities_numeric( $string, $unsafe_chars )
- This routine works just like encode_entities, except that the replacement
- entities are always C<I<hexnum>;> and never C<&I<entname>;>. For
- example, C<encode_entities("r\xF4le")> returns "rôle", but
- C<encode_entities_numeric("r\xF4le")> returns "rôle".
- This routine is I<not> exported by default. But you can always
- export it with C<use HTML::Entities qw(encode_entities_numeric);>
- or even C<use HTML::Entities qw(:DEFAULT encode_entities_numeric);>
- =back
- All these routines modify the string passed as the first argument, if
- called in a void context. In scalar and array contexts, the encoded or
- decoded string is returned (without changing the input string).
- If you prefer not to import these routines into your namespace, you can
- call them as:
- use HTML::Entities ();
- $decoded = HTML::Entities::decode($a);
- $encoded = HTML::Entities::encode($a);
- $encoded = HTML::Entities::encode_numeric($a);
- The module can also export the %char2entity and the %entity2char
- hashes, which contain the mapping from all characters to the
- corresponding entities (and vice versa, respectively).
- =head1 COPYRIGHT
- Copyright 1995-2006 Gisle Aas. All rights reserved.
- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
- =cut
- use strict;
- use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT @EXPORT_OK $VERSION);
- use vars qw(%entity2char %char2entity);
- require 5.004;
- require Exporter;
- @ISA = qw(Exporter);
- @EXPORT = qw(encode_entities decode_entities _decode_entities);
- @EXPORT_OK = qw(%entity2char %char2entity encode_entities_numeric);
- $VERSION = "3.60";
- sub Version { $VERSION; }
- require HTML::Parser; # for fast XS implemented decode_entities
- %entity2char = (
- # Some normal chars that have special meaning in SGML context
- amp => '&', # ampersand
- 'gt' => '>', # greater than
- 'lt' => '<', # less than
- quot => '"', # double quote
- apos => "'", # single quote
- # PUBLIC ISO 8879-1986//ENTITIES Added Latin 1//EN//HTML
- AElig => chr(198), # capital AE diphthong (ligature)
- Aacute => chr(193), # capital A, acute accent
- Acirc => chr(194), # capital A, circumflex accent
- Agrave => chr(192), # capital A, grave accent
- Aring => chr(197), # capital A, ring
- Atilde => chr(195), # capital A, tilde
- Auml => chr(196), # capital A, dieresis or umlaut mark
- Ccedil => chr(199), # capital C, cedilla
- ETH => chr(208), # capital Eth, Icelandic
- Eacute => chr(201), # capital E, acute accent
- Ecirc => chr(202), # capital E, circumflex accent
- Egrave => chr(200), # capital E, grave accent
- Euml => chr(203), # capital E, dieresis or umlaut mark
- Iacute => chr(205), # capital I, acute accent
- Icirc => chr(206), # capital I, circumflex accent
- Igrave => chr(204), # capital I, grave accent
- Iuml => chr(207), # capital I, dieresis or umlaut mark
- Ntilde => chr(209), # capital N, tilde
- Oacute => chr(211), # capital O, acute accent
- Ocirc => chr(212), # capital O, circumflex accent
- Ograve => chr(210), # capital O, grave accent
- Oslash => chr(216), # capital O, slash
- Otilde => chr(213), # capital O, tilde
- Ouml => chr(214), # capital O, dieresis or umlaut mark
- THORN => chr(222), # capital THORN, Icelandic
- Uacute => chr(218), # capital U, acute accent
- Ucirc => chr(219), # capital U, circumflex accent
- Ugrave => chr(217), # capital U, grave accent
- Uuml => chr(220), # capital U, dieresis or umlaut mark
- Yacute => chr(221), # capital Y, acute accent
- aacute => chr(225), # small a, acute accent
- acirc => chr(226), # small a, circumflex accent
- aelig => chr(230), # small ae diphthong (ligature)
- agrave => chr(224), # small a, grave accent
- aring => chr(229), # small a, ring
- atilde => chr(227), # small a, tilde
- auml => chr(228), # small a, dieresis or umlaut mark
- ccedil => chr(231), # small c, cedilla
- eacute => chr(233), # small e, acute accent
- ecirc => chr(234), # small e, circumflex accent
- egrave => chr(232), # small e, grave accent
- eth => chr(240), # small eth, Icelandic
- euml => chr(235), # small e, dieresis or umlaut mark
- iacute => chr(237), # small i, acute accent
- icirc => chr(238), # small i, circumflex accent
- igrave => chr(236), # small i, grave accent
- iuml => chr(239), # small i, dieresis or umlaut mark
- ntilde => chr(241), # small n, tilde
- oacute => chr(243), # small o, acute accent
- ocirc => chr(244), # small o, circumflex accent
- ograve => chr(242), # small o, grave accent
- oslash => chr(248), # small o, slash
- otilde => chr(245), # small o, tilde
- ouml => chr(246), # small o, dieresis or umlaut mark
- szlig => chr(223), # small sharp s, German (sz ligature)
- thorn => chr(254), # small thorn, Icelandic
- uacute => chr(250), # small u, acute accent
- ucirc => chr(251), # small u, circumflex accent
- ugrave => chr(249), # small u, grave accent
- uuml => chr(252), # small u, dieresis or umlaut mark
- yacute => chr(253), # small y, acute accent
- yuml => chr(255), # small y, dieresis or umlaut mark
- # Some extra Latin 1 chars that are listed in the HTML3.2 draft (21-May-96)
- copy => chr(169), # copyright sign
- reg => chr(174), # registered sign
- nbsp => chr(160), # non breaking space
- # Additional ISO-8859/1 entities listed in rfc1866 (section 14)
- iexcl => chr(161),
- cent => chr(162),
- pound => chr(163),
- curren => chr(164),
- yen => chr(165),
- brvbar => chr(166),
- sect => chr(167),
- uml => chr(168),
- ordf => chr(170),
- laquo => chr(171),
- 'not' => chr(172), # not is a keyword in perl
- shy => chr(173),
- macr => chr(175),
- deg => chr(176),
- plusmn => chr(177),
- sup1 => chr(185),
- sup2 => chr(178),
- sup3 => chr(179),
- acute => chr(180),
- micro => chr(181),
- para => chr(182),
- middot => chr(183),
- cedil => chr(184),
- ordm => chr(186),
- raquo => chr(187),
- frac14 => chr(188),
- frac12 => chr(189),
- frac34 => chr(190),
- iquest => chr(191),
- 'times' => chr(215), # times is a keyword in perl
- divide => chr(247),
- ( $] > 5.007 ? (
- 'OElig;' => chr(338),
- 'oelig;' => chr(339),
- 'Scaron;' => chr(352),
- 'scaron;' => chr(353),
- 'Yuml;' => chr(376),
- 'fnof;' => chr(402),
- 'circ;' => chr(710),
- 'tilde;' => chr(732),
- 'Alpha;' => chr(913),
- 'Beta;' => chr(914),
- 'Gamma;' => chr(915),
- 'Delta;' => chr(916),
- 'Epsilon;' => chr(917),
- 'Zeta;' => chr(918),
- 'Eta;' => chr(919),
- 'Theta;' => chr(920),
- 'Iota;' => chr(921),
- 'Kappa;' => chr(922),
- 'Lambda;' => chr(923),
- 'Mu;' => chr(924),
- 'Nu;' => chr(925),
- 'Xi;' => chr(926),
- 'Omicron;' => chr(927),
- 'Pi;' => chr(928),
- 'Rho;' => chr(929),
- 'Sigma;' => chr(931),
- 'Tau;' => chr(932),
- 'Upsilon;' => chr(933),
- 'Phi;' => chr(934),
- 'Chi;' => chr(935),
- 'Psi;' => chr(936),
- 'Omega;' => chr(937),
- 'alpha;' => chr(945),
- 'beta;' => chr(946),
- 'gamma;' => chr(947),
- 'delta;' => chr(948),
- 'epsilon;' => chr(949),
- 'zeta;' => chr(950),
- 'eta;' => chr(951),
- 'theta;' => chr(952),
- 'iota;' => chr(953),
- 'kappa;' => chr(954),
- 'lambda;' => chr(955),
- 'mu;' => chr(956),
- 'nu;' => chr(957),
- 'xi;' => chr(958),
- 'omicron;' => chr(959),
- 'pi;' => chr(960),
- 'rho;' => chr(961),
- 'sigmaf;' => chr(962),
- 'sigma;' => chr(963),
- 'tau;' => chr(964),
- 'upsilon;' => chr(965),
- 'phi;' => chr(966),
- 'chi;' => chr(967),
- 'psi;' => chr(968),
- 'omega;' => chr(969),
- 'thetasym;' => chr(977),
- 'upsih;' => chr(978),
- 'piv;' => chr(982),
- 'ensp;' => chr(8194),
- 'emsp;' => chr(8195),
- 'thinsp;' => chr(8201),
- 'zwnj;' => chr(8204),
- 'zwj;' => chr(8205),
- 'lrm;' => chr(8206),
- 'rlm;' => chr(8207),
- 'ndash;' => chr(8211),
- 'mdash;' => chr(8212),
- 'lsquo;' => chr(8216),
- 'rsquo;' => chr(8217),
- 'sbquo;' => chr(8218),
- 'ldquo;' => chr(8220),
- 'rdquo;' => chr(8221),
- 'bdquo;' => chr(8222),
- 'dagger;' => chr(8224),
- 'Dagger;' => chr(8225),
- 'bull;' => chr(8226),
- 'hellip;' => chr(8230),
- 'permil;' => chr(8240),
- 'prime;' => chr(8242),
- 'Prime;' => chr(8243),
- 'lsaquo;' => chr(8249),
- 'rsaquo;' => chr(8250),
- 'oline;' => chr(8254),
- 'frasl;' => chr(8260),
- 'euro;' => chr(8364),
- 'image;' => chr(8465),
- 'weierp;' => chr(8472),
- 'real;' => chr(8476),
- 'trade;' => chr(8482),
- 'alefsym;' => chr(8501),
- 'larr;' => chr(8592),
- 'uarr;' => chr(8593),
- 'rarr;' => chr(8594),
- 'darr;' => chr(8595),
- 'harr;' => chr(8596),
- 'crarr;' => chr(8629),
- 'lArr;' => chr(8656),
- 'uArr;' => chr(8657),
- 'rArr;' => chr(8658),
- 'dArr;' => chr(8659),
- 'hArr;' => chr(8660),
- 'forall;' => chr(8704),
- 'part;' => chr(8706),
- 'exist;' => chr(8707),
- 'empty;' => chr(8709),
- 'nabla;' => chr(8711),
- 'isin;' => chr(8712),
- 'notin;' => chr(8713),
- 'ni;' => chr(8715),
- 'prod;' => chr(8719),
- 'sum;' => chr(8721),
- 'minus;' => chr(8722),
- 'lowast;' => chr(8727),
- 'radic;' => chr(8730),
- 'prop;' => chr(8733),
- 'infin;' => chr(8734),
- 'ang;' => chr(8736),
- 'and;' => chr(8743),
- 'or;' => chr(8744),
- 'cap;' => chr(8745),
- 'cup;' => chr(8746),
- 'int;' => chr(8747),
- 'there4;' => chr(8756),
- 'sim;' => chr(8764),
- 'cong;' => chr(8773),
- 'asymp;' => chr(8776),
- 'ne;' => chr(8800),
- 'equiv;' => chr(8801),
- 'le;' => chr(8804),
- 'ge;' => chr(8805),
- 'sub;' => chr(8834),
- 'sup;' => chr(8835),
- 'nsub;' => chr(8836),
- 'sube;' => chr(8838),
- 'supe;' => chr(8839),
- 'oplus;' => chr(8853),
- 'otimes;' => chr(8855),
- 'perp;' => chr(8869),
- 'sdot;' => chr(8901),
- 'lceil;' => chr(8968),
- 'rceil;' => chr(8969),
- 'lfloor;' => chr(8970),
- 'rfloor;' => chr(8971),
- 'lang;' => chr(9001),
- 'rang;' => chr(9002),
- 'loz;' => chr(9674),
- 'spades;' => chr(9824),
- 'clubs;' => chr(9827),
- 'hearts;' => chr(9829),
- 'diams;' => chr(9830),
- ) : ())
- );
- # Make the opposite mapping
- while (my($entity, $char) = each(%entity2char)) {
- $entity =~ s/;\z//;
- $char2entity{$char} = "&$entity;";
- }
- delete $char2entity{"'"}; # only one-way decoding
- # Fill in missing entities
- for (0 .. 255) {
- next if exists $char2entity{chr($_)};
- $char2entity{chr($_)} = "$_;";
- }
- my %subst; # compiled encoding regexps
- sub decode_entities_old
- {
- my $array;
- if (defined wantarray) {
- $array = [@_]; # copy
- } else {
- $array = \@_; # modify in-place
- }
- my $c;
- for (@$array) {
- s/(&\#(\d+);?)/$2 < 256 ? chr($2) : $1/eg;
- s/(&\#[xX]([0-9a-fA-F]+);?)/$c = hex($2); $c < 256 ? chr($c) : $1/eg;
- s/(&(\w+);?)/$entity2char{$2} || $1/eg;
- }
- wantarray ? @$array : $array->[0];
- }
- sub encode_entities
- {
- return undef unless defined $_[0];
- my $ref;
- if (defined wantarray) {
- my $x = $_[0];
- $ref = \$x; # copy
- } else {
- $ref = \$_[0]; # modify in-place
- }
- if (defined $_[1] and length $_[1]) {
- unless (exists $subst{$_[1]}) {
- # Because we can't compile regex we fake it with a cached sub
- my $code = "sub {\$_[0] =~ s/([$_[1]])/\$char2entity{\$1} || num_entity(\$1)/ge; }";
- $subst{$_[1]} = eval $code;
- die( $@ . " while trying to turn range: \"$_[1]\"\n "
- . "into code: $code\n "
- ) if $@;
- }
- &{$subst{$_[1]}}($$ref);
- } else {
- # Encode control chars, high bit chars and '<', '&', '>', ''' and '"'
- $$ref =~ s/([^\n\r\t !\#\$%\(-;=?-~])/$char2entity{$1} || num_entity($1)/ge;
- }
- $$ref;
- }
- sub encode_entities_numeric {
- local %char2entity;
- return &encode_entities; # a goto &encode_entities wouldn't work
- }
- sub num_entity {
- sprintf "%X;", ord($_[0]);
- }
- # Set up aliases
- *encode = \&encode_entities;
- *encode_numeric = \&encode_entities_numeric;
- *encode_numerically = \&encode_entities_numeric;
- *decode = \&decode_entities;
- 1;